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Jet Set Menu Two

Jet Set Menu Two





Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Come to the Largest Mardi Gras Party in Town! This Thursday @ Jet Set Restaurant. 118 South 9th St. Reading For Info: 215-650-3587 --------------------- Unique Fundraiser: Host A Mardi Gras Event Unique Fundraiser: Host A Mardi Gras Event Do you want to raise funds in no time? Overnight to be exact? Then, try hosting a Mardi Gras fundraising event. The concept of this unique fundraiser idea is very simple. You just need to setup a fun night where people can get the chance to enjoy some really good music and tasty food while they let their hair down through the help of some really outrageous costumes along with the requisite major bead necklaces. A Mardi Gras fundraising event is really fun to do and it's really profitable as well because of its very nice appeal to people. To get this fundraising program started, you need to get a big meeting hall where you'll have room to set up some live music or a boot for a DJ. Once you get to spot a spacious venue that'll be able to cater to a lot of people, you can then jump to the next task, which is finding a good party rental shop. Try going over different shops in your area so that you can determine which one among them offers the best deals. You need to contact a party rental shop so that you can get your supply of tables, chairs, and other necessary materials that will bring your event to life. Make sure that you book all of your materials ahead of time. After you book your materials, you then need to contact a local restaurant for the food and drinks that you'll be serving during your event. Pick out the best-tasting dishes but make sure that they are reasonably priced so that you won't end up spending a lot of money even before you get the opportunity to raise some. In addition, make sure that you choose dishes that go well with the theme of your event so that they can act as complements to what you have planned out. The next step would be arranging some lovely music. Choose tracks that work well with your theme as well. If you get the chance to book a live band to play some music in your event, then you can ask them to play songs that match your party's theme. To make this kind of event a really good one in terms of profits, you need to consider a few things so that you can be sure that things will run smoothly once you open your venue's doors. The first thing you need to consider would be the price of your admission tickets. Set your price at a level that will allow you to cover all of your expenses while giving you some room for good revenue as well. A good idea to run would be providing two different price offers or levels. These two varieties can be one that provides customers dinner and one that doesn't. To make things more interesting, you can also sell out raffle tickets during your event, then draw the winners at the end of the night. In addition, giving out a set of prizes to people who have really good costumes will also be a fun thing to do. The AIM Fundraising Company has been in business for a really long time already and it has already helped a lot of people with raising funds. If you want to get more";>unique fundraisier ideas, go to the AIM Fundraising website and get your supply of excellent fundraising programs there.

from JetSet Restaurant Oficial


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