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Jetset Restaurant Menus

Jet Set Menu Two

Jet Set Menu Two





Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Come to the Largest Mardi Gras Party in Town! This Thursday @ Jet Set Restaurant. 118 South 9th St. Reading For Info: 215-650-3587 --------------------- Take Time to Plan your Party Bags for your Child's Party Parents are used to seeing their kids come home with party bags that they got at a friend's birthday party. The idea of party bags for children's parties is not something that is new. For many people the idea is to fill up the bags with a bunch of little things that the kids can play with or eat later. Usually a couple pieces of candies and some plastic trinkets from the dollar store, many of these items end up in the trash when the child returns home. While it is not a big deal that not everyone finds a use for all of the items in the party bag, there are some ways that a person can make these bags more memorable and less likely to end up in the wastebasket. Rather than buying a bag of plastic rings or plastic yo-yos and a bunch of sugar candy sticks, a person can make something that is closer to the theme of the party that the child is putting on. It is possible to put in items that can be used during the party. For a child who wants to have a nerf war during their party, the bag can include a small nerf gun and a flashlight to help them find people during that activity in the party. When a child is having a princess party, every guest can get a tiara in their party bag. A tea party theme is the perfect place to give a child a tea cup with their name on it. The key to any of these items is to think about the party and the kids who are going to be attending it, rather than just putting a handful of miscellaneous items together. Many people believe that the party bags for children's parties are something that is handed out as the child is leaving the party. It does not have to be done this way. The party favors can be given out at any time the host chooses to do it. It is their party after all, so they can set the rules. If a person decides to give the favors out earlier in the party, all they have to do is make sure that the kids take the favors with them when they leave. When it comes to kids birthday parties there is no substitute for planning. Many people take the time to plan out many of the details but skip the party bags. The bags are then thrown together at the last minute and are usually just a bunch of poorly chosen items. By planning ahead of time what kind of favors will fit the party and how they can be used, it is possible to make even the takeaway favors memorable. We recommend Love the Little Things for Party bags and Luxury party bags

from JetSet Restaurant Oficial


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