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Jetset Restaurant Menus

Jet Set Menu Two

Jet Set Menu Two





Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Come to the Largest Mardi Gras Party in Town! This Thursday @ Jet Set Restaurant. 118 South 9th St. Reading For Info: 215-650-3587 --------------------- Why Mardi Gras Is Called Fat Tuesday “Fat Tuesday” represents the “Shrove Tuesday” in English tradition. Both these terms refer to their equivalents in French tradition that is “Mardi Gras”, the “Carnival Season”, or “Mardi Gras Season.” A Carnival season is the beginning of religious celebrations starting from Epiphany, i.e. the anniversary day of the Christ’s baptism into a day before Ash Wednesday. A season of liturgical rites based on Confession and Repentance starts right after the Ash Wednesday, known as the fasting days of Lent. Mardi Gras or Fat Tuesday falls right on a day before Ash Wednesday. The celebrations are mainly a part of the preparation to the Lenten practices. During the forty days of Lenten season, fasting is observed and eating fatty substances is prohibited. Perhaps, this is the one major reason that we see the preparation of the Pancakes with the ingredients rich in fats to consume the fatty ingredients like eggs, sugar and fat from kitchen. People celebrate the season in so many ways. Some of the important celebrations of the season include the parades, wearing masks and different sort of costumes, dancing and sporting etc. You will find almost the same sort of carnival celebrations at places, sharing the same Christian traditions. Explaining WHY: In past, the celebrations of Mardi Gras were limited to a single day, but now the trend has changed in many areas where the celebrations underwent for quite a long period of time. The length and celebrations of the festival season varies from city to city. However, in many American states the celebrations Carnival season has been known as an original title, i.e. “Mardi Grass Day” or “Fat Tuesday.” In many societies, the last three days before Ash Wednesday are considered as the Mardi Gras. Many different events were organized in the past in the celebrations of Mardi Gras season such as parade on the New Year’s Day. Many countries are known for celebrating Mardi Gras like Louisiana in U.S., New Orleans and Quebec in Canada, and Rio de Janeiro. Carnival In many Catholic European countries, the Carnival is considered as an important religious celebration. In Ireland and United Kingdom, the week just before the Ash Wednesday, folding on Shrove Tuesday, is considered as “Shrovetide.” According to traditions, pancakes or pastries are made enriched in sugar, fat, and eggs in different parts including Latin America and the Caribbean. Brazil In Brazil, the Rio de Janeiro is considered as the most prominent city that holds the Carnival celebrations before the fasting period of Lent. Canada In Canada, the major celebrations of Mardi Gras are held in Montreal and Toronto. United States Although, Fat Tuesday is not able to get the status of national day in United States, there are many ethnic French regions in the country where this event is celebrated with all traditional zeal. In 17th century King Louis XIV commissioned the Le Moyne brothers and the Fat Tuesday was introduced in the North America as a French Catholic rite. You might be interested in learning about History of Shrove Tuesday and also History of Bill.

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